Global Odessey

I participated in the Global Odessey event in school by arranging a stall. I and my group arranged a stall which had robot fighting. Global Odessey was an event in which students arranged stalls and managed them by themselves. The stalls could include food, games, items or other services that the other people could buy using real money. People like other students, teachers and even some parents. Each entire stall needed to be managed by the group, including coming up with the ideas and the investments. Some percent of the total profit was to be donated.

My group set up a stall which had robot fighting. There were 2 toy robots, and the people could fight each other. Arranging this stall was a challenge for me as I am not good at handling money so this event helped me improve my financial skills.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills: I am not good with finances, so it was a challenge for me to decide the correct prices and be able to bargain at other stalls. I developed bargaining skills and also understood how to decide prices that will yield the most profit.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience: Me and my group had to plan of what game to make others play. We had to plan the entire thing before and get the confirmation from the teachers.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively: Working in a group helped us think of more and better ideas for the stall. Being in a group also helped in organizing the stall and making sure that the whole event goes smoothly.

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