Community service

Every year, Fountainhead School students have the chance to instruct underprivileged youngsters in a particular sport or talent as part of a community service programme. Computers, art and crafts, and football and frisbee are among the alternatives available to us. Since I play football and am passionate about it, I decided to educate the kids. There was a group of roughly thirty students who were all interested in teaching football. We came up with a planned training schedule for the next six days of this community service programme, overseen by Anwer Sir. I met several learning objectives and contributed to sustainable development goals through my experience.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled.

Over a period of three weekends, the CAS  offered daily chances for self-analysis and progress. This involvement showed me that teaching others became a worthwhile way to grow personally, in addition to allowing me to improve my own abilities through ongoing reflection. The experience highlighted a newfound ability to impart knowledge gained through my CAS journey, emphasising the difference between performing well and effectively teaching.

LO 2:-ur kids attended a Gujarati-medium school, and as I don’t speak Gujarati well, it was difficult to communicate with them and explain football jargon to them in simple terms. My communication abilities have also improved along this process. Here is where I showed that I had taken on obstacles and learned new abilities in the process.

LO 4:-This six-day community service was performed every weekend for three weeks. It was difficult for me to dedicate 18 hours to this since I had a lot of personal and work-related responsibilities to attend to both within and outside of the service. Even though I was sick during the second week, I still went to the community service that day. Here, I demonstrated my dedication to and tenacity during CAS encounters.

LO 6:-These students all come from underprivileged homes, which is a major worldwide concern. Too many opportunities are preventing so much potential from being recognised. We were able to provide those children possibilities through our community service, and I consider myself fortunate to be a part of a school with international connections that offers me a wealth of options. This is how I showed that I was interested in world concerns.

LO 7:-Since I have been given with a plethora of chances, I consider this type of service to be extremely useful since its ethics are deeply rooted in the principles that my parents instilled in me: continue helping those in need, and God will double your efforts. I hold this remark in the highest regard because it reminds me of the millions of individuals who do not have the chances we take for granted. I wanted to impart to others who don’t often receive opportunity and experiences the information I have acquired. I want to contribute in some little way to the spread of football’s joy.

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