Beach cleaning-

I participated in a massive beach clean-up at Surat’s Dumas beach in the month of february (every weekend) by a group named “SeaChange” Through my participation in this beach clean-up initiative, I helped to remove the trash that had been discarded along the shore by gathering it from the several locations where it had been dispersed.

LO6: This CAS experience dealt with the problem of trash-filled beaches, which arise from people’s carelessness in discarding waste on the shoreline without thinking about the possible effects on the environment. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of unhealthy and filthy coastal areas on a global scale. Trash building up on beaches has the potential to harm ecosystems, affecting both marine life and marine ecosystems overall. Therefore, beaches overflowing with waste endanger the environment and sustainability.

LO7: I participated in this admirable social cause and showed effort to save marine life and coral reefs from harmful plastics and contaminants. This decision I made was morally right because it was beneficial and helped to keep the environment sustainable.

My perspective on a worrying environmental issue has shifted as a result of this CAS experience.  This CAS experience also made clear how seriously human-caused pollution affects coastal regions.

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