Community Service

I choose this event since i really like football. I’ve been playing the sport for a long time. So, when my school offered the possibility for disadvantaged students to experience the sport, I volunteered without thinking twice. I was one of the many volunteers in charge of teaching the sport to kids from the nearby village schools who had come to play and learn it.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
The experience was over 3 weekends so each day i had a chance to reflect on what i can do better the next day. The experience taught me that while teaching someone, i can learn something myself. While playing well is one thing, teaching well is an entirely different ability that I gained as a result of my CAS experience.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.
Because the experience was over 3 weekends, i had to completely commit to volunteering. This time management skill that i developed is important as it can help me in my IBDP. Being in a new to something can be frightening and as there was noone familiar to me, it would’ve been easy to back out of the experience. But i showed perseverance and followed through to the end and complete the experience.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.
Being one of the few experienced players, I was also in charge of organising the sessions. I had to choose exercises that would be the most useful for the children’s ability level, using my knowledge of the sport. I had to provide the same information with the other volunteers and work together with them to supervise all of the kids we had to teach. Such collaboration made it much easier for us to utilise our time effectively.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Through volunteering to teach football at my school as part of community service, I actively engage with global significance by providing underprivileged kids with opportunities for physical activity and teamwork. This initiative fosters inclusivity and addresses broader issues of social inequality through the universal language of sports.
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

In teaching football as a volunteer for underprivileged kids at my school, I prioritize the ethics of inclusivity, fairness, and positive mentorship. It’s essential to create a supportive environment where every child feels valued and empowered through the joy of sports, fostering not just athletic skills but also character development.

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