Swimming (activity )

Swimming has always piqued my attention as a recreational and physical sport. I had always wanted to undertake an activity like swimming during the weekends. As a result, I enrolled in swimming lessons, with the added benefit of escaping heat and boredom across the free time that I had. Swimming sessions were exhausting at first, but as I persisted, I was able to achieve a gain in stamina thereby increasing the number of laps I can go per swim.

LO 1:
I’d always been interested in swimming and wanted to do something different than just splashing around in the water. This is why I choose to take classes and commit 1 hour 30 minutes each weekend, on both Saturdays and Sundays, to try something new, learn a new skill, and improve the one I currently have. As soon as I began swimming regularly, 3 hours per week seemed insufficient, but for an individual who only knew the basics of swimming, it was adequate. At first, I was frequently exhausted and the feeling of being so fatigued made me want to quit, but as time passed, my body became stronger and my muscles could handle it.

LO 4 :
It is vital to demonstrate dedication and endurance in order to know where you are in a given activity, and it is not always easy for me to commit to hobbies since I get bored fast. Still, I was always interested in learning more about swimming, but I couldn’t take swimming courses during the school days since it was tiresome, so I chose to enroll on weekends so that I could devote my whole attention to it. I primarily attended all of the lessons with the intention of becoming more fit and increasing the amount of laps I can swim, as swimming has various benefits, including boosting your cardiovascular system. Muscle strengthening, high health impact, low body impact Improve your flexibility, improve your mood, and help me get a goodnight’s sleep. THis helped me to keep both, my mental and physical well- being in check.

I stayed committed to swimming by demonstrating the learner profile attribute “balanced” by not only swimming but also preparing for my IAs by doing research work while staying on top of other class assignments. Swimming taught me that in any physical activity, not only do body movements play the primary role in doing it correctly, but breathing and mindfulness also contribute to the desired outcome of physical performance.

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