CAS Project 8 : Fundraising Bake Sale

Fundraising programmes are an indulging way to raise money for causes that we believe in. As a part of the same we decided to put up a bake sale for our CAS project. This opportunity would help us raise money through the Garba fest that was organized in school. This project catered the Creativity as well as the Service aspect of CAS. The bake sale helped bring out our creative skills, as we came up with various food and drink items and the service aspect was covered in the final part of our project as we donated the money and items to the organization for a good cause.

This project catered the following LOs

LO 2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging part of the process was to attract more consumers towards our stall, as there were multiple stalls present in the vicinity which posed as a threat to us depending on what our consumers choices and decisions. Through this challenge we were able to develop effective communication skills to come up with smart strategies to attract consumers and increase our profit.

LO 3 : Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

As CAS project revolves around the idea of planning, the whole project was planned from scratch, details ranging from the items to be sold on the food stall, to the target profit, cost and expenses and the details of the organization. This helped us get an overview of how a project should look like along with precisely planning of specific details that play an important role in the process.

LO 5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

As a project team, collaboration played a key role in the smooth flow of the project. I used my social, leadership, and communication abilities to make informed judgements that ensured the project ran smoothly. This experience helped me better understand my peers, and working with them helped us better perform as a team considering everybody´s strengths and weaknesses. As a result, we were able to fulfill our roles and responsibilities and equally contribute to the success of the project.

LO 6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This experience was related to several SDGs, including zero hunger, good health and well-being, as the aim of the project was to raise funds for organizations that contribute to the eradication of these issues. By giving money to the organizations, we as a group contributed to a good cause that plays a significant role globally. Lastly, each of these SDGs highlights global concerns of importance and encourages small actions to make the world a better place.

LO 7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Ethics was the most important aspect of the business. We followed business ethics by being fair, reasonable and non – biased towards all the consumers. Other than that we made sure that our items were of good quality and were sold for the fairest prices. Most crucially we collected all the profit and fully donated it to the organization without keeping any part of it to ourselves.

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