Learning Guitar

Rock & roll, jazz, classical, country, pop, musicals, and rap are among the genres I grew up listening to. I was impressed by the players’ delight as they played their instruments. I was envious of their happiness and was eager to have music. I thus started playing the guitar for the CAS activity. I was determined to practice guitar on a daily basis and I started practicing the basic seven chords. My goal was to continue practicing for a month to develop skills and finger exercises and also watch online videos to get some knowledge.

LO 1- Identify my strengths and develop areas for growth

My strengths were observation and listening. I would focus on the melody, chord structure, fingering, and strumming rhythm. Remembering chords was one of my areas of difficulty. I became more comfortable and flexible with my fingers and palms with time.

LO2- Demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Initially, I found that practicing for thirty minutes each day would help me maintain my motivation to keep going throughout the year and avoid getting out of rhythm. I was not able to manage my time as I had a tight schedule. My academic performance on several instances fell short of this requirement, which prolonged the time it took me to learn a song.

LO4- Show commitment to and perseverance in the CAS experience

I struggled to find time, but I was determined to reach my goal, so I played my guitar for at least thirty minutes and this gave me immense joy and relaxation that motivated me to continue my practice. I also used it as my break time between my academic schedule. Sometimes performing a song was really difficult and exhausting, but still, I got a feeling of joy while playing it

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