Box Cricket Tournament (Project)

I had organised a box cricket tournament with my friends. To guarantee efficient management, we assigned our tasks according to their corresponding abilities and approaches. We formed four-person teams, each with a captain and five players, and we had enough players to conduct the tournament successfully. Four teams competed in the five-over match; two of the teams were divided into groups A and B. Everyone was encouraging more people to attend the tournament. The winners took home a trophy and a payment.

Learning Outcomes:-

LO:1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 

Although planning a tournament is a simple task, this is where we show our management skills. Our carefully considered plans simplified our work and kept us from encountering too many challenges. Despite the challenges that we had to overcome, we made progress and displayed our strengths. We guarantee that every player received everything they needed.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

We had organised every part of the tournament in advance, including the finances, the participants, and the out-of-tournament expenses. Cricket equipment and match umpires could be delivered on time because the tournament was clearly scheduled ahead of time to avoid arguments.

LO:4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

A few problems were discovered, one of which was a misunderstanding regarding the status of a player’s withdrawal from the game. We were able to settle a dispute regarding the number of wickets we declared for the tournament with the assistance of the leg umpire. We had a hard time keeping track of the runs, but we managed to officially record our scores in the Cricheroes app, which helped us find any mistakes we had made in scoring.

LO:5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I enjoy working with others because we can assign responsibilities to each other, which makes team management for this cricket competition easy. In order to make sure that there are no misunderstandings during the competition and that everything proceeds as planned, I work collaboratively with others. Keeping track of the runs and overs was tough for me. For this, I must use the Cricheroes app to tally the runs per over. It is crucial to collaborate with others when working. For example, in order to count runs, we assigned two organisers to each turf, and their roles included both calculating runs and taking project photos.


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