Granola Bars(For Charity) Project

In a time when health and wellbeing are top priorities, it’s critical to encourage good eating behaviours among school employees as well as children. A common option for a fast and wholesome snack is granola bars. They are not only delectable but also nutrient-dense, which may provide you the much-needed energy boost you need throughout a hectic school day. Selling granola bars to school staff has the following advantages: Productivity Growth Making healthy snacks readily available can aid employees in maintaining steady energy levels throughout the day, which boosts productivity. The primary goal of the initiative was to contribute as much money as possible to a group named TeamSeas.

Me and my friend Nihar prepared the granola bar. We both collaborated on this CAS project since it needs a minimum of two participants to be successful and because we were both thinking of it as a way to fulfil our CAS requirements. The initiative focuses on the “Creativity” and “Service” strands of CAS. As cooking and selling ideas were new to me, we decided to give the money we made to the nonprofit TeamSeas. Therefore, these two CAS components are taken into account in this project.


The LO also relates to potential career paths. We discovered several areas that require major expansion while working on this project. When selling our bars to the workers, we asked them for input on the flavour, if the cost was appropriate, and how large of a bar they thought it was. Then we developed a strategy for this and worked in accordance with it, setting targets for each day while producing and selling the bars. Then gradually, we kept an eye on our own improvement.


Identify personal strengths and develop opportunities for improvement.
The LO also relates to potential career paths. We discovered several areas that require major expansion while working on this project. When selling our bars to the workers, we asked them for input on the flavour, if the cost was appropriate, and how large of a bar they thought it was. Then we developed a strategy for this and worked in accordance with it, setting targets for each day while producing and selling the bars. Then gradually, we kept an eye on our own improvement. Cooking was one of the new talents that I personally learned during the process because I had never done it before in my entire life. I therefore discovered many new things, cooking skills, and some fundamentals while working on this project.


The way I planned the whole CAS Project was with the Help of my friend. We decided to make granola bars and sell them for charity so that we can contribute to the world. The skill of communication was used the best during the CAS eperience as we had to communicate and do the whole Project.


I was very commited during the whole of the CAS project as I was very determined to help donte to the charity and clean the oceans of the earth. each and every day during the month there were a series of steps which were folowed as they can be in planning the CAS project or it can also be the execution of the CAS Project due to this I was commited to the CAS project.


Collaboration in pairs or groups is the primary goal of the CAS initiative. Working together has several advantages since more ideas are produced when two or more individuals collaborate. So, my friend and I had the same thing. He provided all the information on how to make the granola bars, such as the taste, size, and processes, while I arranged the information on where to sell them, how much to charge, and who the target market would be. Collaboration improved the strength and planning of our project. In essence, we each showed off our abilities while maintaining balance on the assignment. Our assignment was completed more quickly because we collaborated.


The charity which I donted to was called teams Seas which is a charity where people donate to help cleaning the oceans of the worlds hence there will be a global impact due to our CAS project.


Transparency and Honesty: It’s crucial to be truthful about the granola bars’ components, nutritional content, and price. Trust among consumers is fostered via open communication. ensuring the granola bars are healthy to eat and of good quality. The food grade wrapping we utilised to package our granola bars, as well as allergies and food safety regulations, are taken into account. Fair pricing, deciding on a fair and suitable price for the granola bars, and preventing overcharging of the personnel. Pricing practises that are unfair can damage reputations and relationships.Respecting staff members’ privacy by not disclosing their shopping habits or information without their permission. addressing any issues or grievances in a timely and expert manner. Adopting an ethical attitude entails accepting responsibility for any potential problems.

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