Project – Global odyssey incharge

Global odyssey is an annual event held under the Group 3 subjects wherein all students are urged to participate. It offers a variety of roles and responsibilities therefore it caters to everyone. Since there was such a wide variety of roles and responsibilities that I could participate in the event as, I wanted to try a leadership role to learn skills on being cooperative and a good manager since it may be something I wish to pursue in the future. 

LO1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I consider accounting to be a strength of mine and through this event I got first hand experience on the same. Something I feel like is an area of growth for me is sales and marketing because I find it difficult to be confident initially, however after dealing with customers of various age groups, I learned how to deal with people and how to converse with people and realized it is not as intimidating as I thought it would be. 

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

When I first filled the form, my first preference was being the leader for the food segment and my second preference was being the leader for the fun segment. However once the roles came out, I was selected to be the in-charge for fashion which is not something that I have much interest or expertise in. Thus, this was a new challenge for me and helped me branch out. 

LO3 : I was the leader of the fashion segment, there was a strenuous selection process to shortlist candidates and I had my preference in food however that role was allotted to someone else, instead of withdrawing out of the event I initiated a conversation with the supervisors because I wanted to develop my leadership skills. 

LO 4 : There was a long preparation time for CAS therefore I had to stay committed to the tasks and designate tasks to other people as well. I helped out in decor as well which wasn’t my responsibility but being part of a team I did the same. 

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I wasn’t the only one in charge of fashion, I also had a partner and both of us had to collaborate and work together to make this event a success. We managed the team and communicated with each other on a daily basis about the event and made decisions that were agreed upon by everyone. We considered every team member’s perspective and made sure no one felt like they weren’t being heard, this helped us to build trust in our team. Additionally, I also helped out in the decoration even though I wasn’t assigned that role, however I realized that all of us are part of a single team and every one’s effort counts and does not go wasted, hence always compensation is not necessary for motivation and being a team player is extremely important especially as a leader. 

LO 6 : We all donated 10% of our earnings to a charity to help underprivileged children. 

LO7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Business ethics is a significant part of any business, while our operation was on a very small scale we still considered the ethics of our actions when it came to costing our products. We gave a sufficient and fair amount to our manufacturer and made sure not to exploit or harm any natural resources in the process, over that we also set a fair price for our consumer and our sales strategy was transparent thus making our operations ethical. 

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