Fundamentals of digital marketing (Google Course)

Business Management is one of my favorite courses to learn, therefore I wanted to learn more about it. I registered for an online course called Fundamentals of Digital Marketing at I did a 40-hour digital marketing course. The training was brief educational, and entertaining. The training contained short marketing videos as well as short quizzes to make it more engaging.

LO1 (Identify your own strengths and identify areas for growth): I was interested in both business management and social media, therefore I wanted to go more into their principles. This experience allowed me to broaden my knowledge and improve my abilities in digital marketing.

LO2 (Demonstrate that difficulties have been taken on while gaining new skills): I already had a lot of deadlines to meet throughout the course of this experience, which made scheduling time for this course a bit challenging. Nonetheless, I attempted to manage my time and work, and in the process, I learned time and self-management abilities. And this course also helped me in my school curriculum in the marketing chapter.

LO3:- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. Identifying Opportunities: Use digital marketing skills to identify opportunities for a CAS experience. For example, recognize the potential of using social media to promote a community service project or creating engaging content to raise awareness about a cause. Promotion and Outreach: Utilize online advertising and social media strategies to promote the CAS experience within the school or local community. This could involve creating targeted ads or developing a content calendar to maximize outreach.

LO6 (Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance) The fundamentals of digital marketing provide a platform for individuals and businesses to engage with and contribute to global issues like for example, Social Impact Marketing: The fundamentals of digital marketing empower businesses to incorporate social impact initiatives into their strategies. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Digital marketing relies heavily on data analysis. By leveraging data analytics tools, marketers can gain insights into global trends and behaviors.

LO7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.) Privacy and Data Security like Fundamentals of Digital Marketing: Data is a cornerstone of digital marketing. Marketers collect and analyze data to understand consumer behavior and preferences.
Ethical Consideration: Recognizing the ethics of choices in digital marketing includes respecting user privacy. Marketers must handle consumer data responsibly, obtain consent, and protect personal information to avoid ethical breaches. Community Engagement and Social Issues like Fundamentals of Digital Marketing: Social media is a powerful tool for engaging with communities and discussing social issues.

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