Padamdungri Trip: Harvesting Turmeric

Padamdungri trip (also known as the rural immersion trip), was a trip to padamdungri which I went to, during mid december. In order to ensure that I enjoyed the trip, while not having to worry about the internal assessments coming up right after the trip, I had to manage my time effectively. More about this later on the reflection. The trip happend from 11th Dec 2023 to 17th Dec, during which I learned new things about life in general and more specificallly about rural life as well.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

I learned the new skill of uprooting turmeric. For this, I had to practice in the open fields for 30 mins with harsh sunlighting, without taking breaks or stopping. This was challenging for me, as I live in a city, where farming is the last thing we have to do, yet along harvesting. It was quite physically intensive for me, therefore, I was forced to become more physically fit in the process. I also had the challenge of managing my time with my internal assessments. Therefore I also developed time management and turmeric harvesting skill.


In conclusion, the Padamdungri trip was a valuable experience that allowed me to immerse myself in rural life and learn new skills. I faced challenges such as uprooting turmeric and managing my time with internal assessments. Through these challenges, I developed physical fitness, time management, and turmeric harvesting skills. This trip not only provided me with a deeper understanding of rural life but also taught me the importance of effective time management and perseverance. Overall, it was a rewarding and enriching experience that I will cherish for a long time.

Video Reflection:

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