
I started swimming for 2 hours every weekend to improve my stamina and overall fitness of my body. I have been doing this for almost 6 months now. I started in July 2023 and plan to continue this till I go out of town for my college. This experience is counted as an activity. I have noticed many benefits already like my stamina has increased, my form of swimming has improved, and I can hold my breath for a longer time.

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

By tracking progress, seeking feedback, and setting goals, I turned these insights into action, making my swims even more rewarding and propelling my overall fitness forward. It helped me identify strengths like endurance, discipline, and stress management, but also areas for growth like technique refinement, speed work, and incorporating other fitness activities.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken

Swimming for 2 hours on weekends isn’t just a dip in the pool. I’m not just battling fatigue, boredom, and wobbly strokes, I also push my body and mind to new limits. Two hours demands enduring physical effort, unwavering mental focus, and relentless technique tweaking. Ultimately, those 2 hours become a testament to my ability to conquer challenges, big and small, leaving you fitter, stronger, and with a newfound confidence to tackle whatever life throws your way.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Two hours might seem like a leisurely dip, but my weekend swims are actually a crucible for forging my CAS spirit. Each hour is a battle against fatigue, where your perseverance fuels your strokes. Boredom whispers doubts, but your mental resilience keeps me focused on the finish line. And while my technique might wobble, my commitment to refinement pushes me towards mastery. This dedication isn’t just about logging laps; it’s about carving time from your weekend, prioritizing well-being, and consistently chasing goals.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

Swimming for two hours on weekends may not inherently connect with engagement in global issues, yet it can indirectly contribute to a broader understanding and involvement in such matters. Beyond the physical activity, this routine fosters mental well-being, crucial for comprehending complex global challenges. Interactions at the pool or gym provide opportunities for networking and discussions with diverse individuals, expanding perspectives on global issues.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and action

While swimming might not directly teach you ethics, the physical and mental well-being it fosters can create a perfect environment for ethical reflection. The calm focus and introspection prompted me to consider my values and the consequences of my actions. Disconnecting from distractions gave me space for clear thinking, and witnessing others grappling with ethical dilemmas provided valuable insights


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