Mount Abu

In December 2022, I embarked on a transformative expedition to Mount Abu, a charming village nestled high in the Aravalli Range of Rajasthan. This adventure encompassed a series of demanding activities, including trekking, mountain climbing, caving, and more. These diverse experiences proved to be both challenging and enjoyable, leaving a lasting impact on my personal growth, particularly in cultivating a willingness to take risks. This journey taught me valuable lessons about confronting challenges directly and the importance of meticulous planning.

Learning Outcome 1 (LO1): Recognize personal strengths and areas for development.

As a novice traveler, I approached this journey with trepidation. Engaging in activities like hiking, rock climbing, and rappelling, I focused on grasping the techniques involved. Acknowledging my limitations empowered me to convert them into strengths through dedicated effort and determination.

Learning Outcome 2 (LO2): Demonstrate the undertaking of challenges and acquisition of new skills.

Confronted with an initial daunting challenge, I actively sought to acquire the requisite skills, anticipating even more exhilarating journeys ahead. This proactive approach fueled my enthusiasm throughout subsequent adventures.

Learning Outcome 4 (LO4): Exhibit commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences.

Encountering various environmental and topographical obstacles during our journey, my commitment to completing the expedition remained steadfast. I persevered through navigating challenging terrains, such as mountain climbing, steadfastly refusing to succumb to adversity.

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