Psychology Internship

Urja, Child Development Center is a center that specializes in therapy sessions, remedial learning, assessments, counseling, and consultation inclusive of all age groups. I worked there for three hours each day for a 15-day internship during which I learned something new every single day. After a few days and after learning the fundamentals, I was able to take individual lessons with children there. I chose this internship as a means of exploring my interest in psychology as a profession.

  • LO 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I initially struggled to manage on my own when I was assigned the task of working with more than two kids because their ages and interests varied so much. It was the first time I would have been kept in such a situation, so it was difficult for me to come up with ideas to get them to participate in activities together. However, with the assistance of my mentors, I was capable of developing my creative skills and coming up with ideas to manage kids with diverse behavioral backgrounds.

  • LO 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

I viewed this internship as a chance to go more into one of my professional interests, child psychology. My career counselor advised me to pursue an internship targeted toward my interests to better understand and explore my options. I was able to determine the level of my interest in a career in psychology courtesy of this internship, and I still have a lot to discover and learn.

  • LO 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I was able to learn a lot about different learning disorders and conditions that affect kids from an early age during this internship, and understanding all of that piqued my interest enough to conduct some research of my own. I was able to get a lot of knowledge from my internship experience, which has developed my interest in child psychology. To monitor my internship, throughout my internship, I kept a journal with me at all times, noting the things I could do and the things I would learn from observing others or from my mentors there. Every day after my internship, I would go home and take detailed, well-organized notes to document my experience and highlight the things I had learned and accomplished that day.

  • LO6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

I personally observed the global issue of poverty’s influence on early childhood development during my psychology internship at the center. In addition to broadening my awareness of global issues, the experience inspired my desire to make a positive difference by promoting equity and providing every child with the chance to achieve their potential.

  • LO7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. 

I needed to constantly think about the ethical implications of my decisions and behaviors all through my internship at the child development center. A strong sense of responsibility was ingrained after seeing the vulnerability and dependence of small children. I wondered what effect every word I spoke, every action I took, and even the atmosphere I contributed to establish, could have. This required making sure that, despite problematic behaviors, activities were inclusive and respectful.

Overall, I’ve greatly benefited from and appreciate my experience in this internship. All of my mentors and the regular kids there were well-acquainted with me, and the mentors there made sure to help me whenever I needed it. I had a lot of fun learning about the new things and environment there; it was beyond what I anticipated.

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