School Community Service

Community Service is a service that our school provides to the nearby government schools where every weekend for a month or so students from their school come to ours and our students interact with them and play or teach them things that are not available at their school. For example, making them learn a new dance or playing sports with them, many activities that indulge them with fun and joy. This makes the students of their school happy as they get to learn new things in a fun way and make our students know the importance of joy and how can it change a person’s day.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

This experience showed me how important commitment is and made me learn that even though we might be going through tough times persevering through it will always be the better option. Many students I interacted with during this experience had some issue in their life or their families, yet they were there with smiles on their faces and enjoying every single moment that we shared. That made me stronger mentally as I also learned how to deal with situations.

This whole experience was truly an eye-opener for me, it made me stronger than I thought it would, it also taught me to appreciate what we have instead of complaining about what we do not. This is an activity that I would not mind doing again and again, only to see and help the children.

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