MUN is a 2-3 day conference where world debates take place, we represent a country and speak on behalf of that country relating to whatever the agenda is. This was not my first MUN that I attended but it indeed was the best and the one with the most learning outcomes. There are different committees all having different agendas, the committee I went for was IP (International Press) this committee consisted of no agenda and we got a chance to go to every committee and observe, take notes then question the delegates, it is just like an actual media press but for the conference itself. The goal was to speak up and be confident and also learn how to improve communication skills and presentation skills.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Going through this 2-day conference there was a lot of room for growth in my communication skills and leadership skills, I learned how to communicate and stand up for the right issue, questioning the delegates and debating on what is right and what is wrong. I also learned how to improve my writing and research skills.

 LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

I faced a lot of challenges during this MUN, one of the main being my communication skills, this MUN had strict rules and regulations each delegate had to speak something, and this made me anxious but confident at the same time. They pushed me into speaking and I overcame and developed speaking skills. I also developed my research skills by researching about the country of the delegate and how can I ask them questions.

Overall I really enjoyed this experience, it made me overcome my fear of public speaking and made me challenge my communication skills and also updated me on the current world affairs.

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