Global Odyssey 3.0

Global Odyssey is an event held by our school where students from BM and Eco subjects come together and organize a fair all by themselves, from logistics to decor to promoting the event, the students handle every single thing. I was part of the social media team, it was a fun and new experience to learn how can we promote our ideas and events. I got to film behind the scenes and take interviews with students and teachers before the event, I also handled the social media account for this event by posting on it and trying to let people know what was happening. This was a very unique experience where I got to learn new things and collaborate with my teammates.

I have always been intrigued by the way social media works, the way one share or one like can boost up a small business or an event is very common nowadays but is a lot harder to achieve, I wanted to see the work that goes behind promoting each event or the work that goes behind every event to make it successful. Balanced while all the preparations were going on for this event, we also had to simultaneously work on our assignments and school work, this taught me how to balance two very different things in a parallel manner.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken

Being new to the whole social media platform was a setback as I did not know how to handle an account or how to run it, however by the time I learned from my peers and from myself and overcame this challenge.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Working in the social media field was teamwork, whether it be having someone take your videos while you interview or getting some help with the editing and posting, this experience made me more patient and I learned more on how can I be a part of the team and help them rather than doing everything on my own.

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