Plantation Drive

On the morning of September 26th, VNSGU College played host to an eco-conscious event that aimed to make a lasting impact on the environment. Organized in collaboration with the Grow Native Green Forum, the Plantation Drive on September 26th, 2023, saw children, adults, and environmental enthusiasts come together to contribute to a greener future.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While conducting this CAS activity, I discovered that my greatest strengths are my enthusiasm and my genuine concern for the environment. However, one area where I can improve is my understanding of plant types and their specialized requirements. I would also like to improve on the amount of contribution I give toward taking care of the environment. I developed skills in terms of how to plant saplings.

LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance

As a responsible global citizen, I feel that my activities may help to address some of the world’s most pressing concerns, such as climate change and food security. By planting trees, I can help local biodiversity by growing native plants and decreasing the usage of toxic pesticides. I can also contribute to the greater movement of sustainable agriculture and strive towards a fairer food system through my garden. Overall, I view planting as a meaningful and practical method to interact with global concerns.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions

The GNGF plantation drive highlighted an important component of our behavior. We weren’t simply planting saplings we were also doing our part to protect the environment and improve our neighborhood. To avoid harming the local ecosystem, we had to carefully choose the appropriate plant species for each region.

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