University Fair

I volunteered in a University fair that was organized by my school on 16 November 2023. The University fair allowed students and parents to interact with the delegate of the university and learn about the admission process, requirements, experience, and any other doubts they have regarding the university. More than 75 universities showed up and my job was to guide and help the delegates of the university and crowd management.

The LOs I used were 

  1. LO 1: Throughout the duties assigned to me, I became aware of my strengths and weaknesses. I believe I can serve more effectively the next time I volunteer and keep getting better now that I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses. Since understanding our strengths and weaknesses is the only way we can improve. 
  2. LO 2: The main challenge I faced was managing the crowd while at the same time helping the delegates, this is because more than 300 students and 75 university delegates showed up at the same time and managing the crowd and helping the delegates at the same time became difficult.
  3. LO 4: I showed perseverance during my task of managing the crowd, this is because managing more than 300 students at the same time was difficult because many of them were the same age as me, which made it difficult for me to manage them 
  4. LO 5: As there were a lot of tasks to do, and it obviously could not have been done by one person alone, and hence I used collaborative skills to make my tasks easier. I needed to communicate with the members of my team effectively and divide the tasks, so that the workload decreases.

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