KCL 4 – CAS project

Kautilya Cricket league (KCL) just had its 4th season, and since I love everything about cricket I decided to organize the KCL 4. I was given multiple roles that included decorations, inviting people to watch and play, helping for the auction, etc. KCL 4 was played on 9th and 10th November, however since there was a lot of work the planning and work started 2 months earlier, which helped us in many ways since there was a lot of work to do and starting 2 months before the event decreased the workload. 

  1. LO 1: As I completed the tasks given to me, I became aware of my advantages and disadvantages. Knowing my weaknesses and strengths will help me improve the next time I organize a cricket league. Since the only way we can get better is to recognize our strengths and shortcomings. 
  2. LO 2: I developed collaborative skills and communication skills throughout the process. Organizing a cricket league meant I had to talk to many people, whom I had never met before, like sponsors, contractors, etc. Since there were a lot of tasks we divided the tasks in groups which helped me improve my collaboration skills.
  3. LO 3: Since organising any event requires a lot of planning and organising a cricket league was no different. Hence we started planning a month and a half before, since KCL 4 happens at a big scale we needed a way to fund the league without being in a loss, so we asked for a sponsor from different companies and luckily got one. Moreover we decided about the venue, fees, no.of teams/players and the decorations. We also had an opening ceremony for the cricket league.
  4. LO 4: A few things went wrong during the game, such as miscommunications over hits, wickets, and runs scored. Numerous outside volunteers who were present during the game helped with these concerns. Finally, as a managing team, I showed my dedication to the game by being consistent and paying attention to detail throughout the competition.
  5. LO 5: As I stated earlier, I worked in a team which meant collaborating with everyone and listening to everyone’s ideas and opinions, even when there were clashes of ideas we had to work together as a team to solve the problems.
  6. LO 6: We decided to donate a portion of our revenue to a NGO, so that we could help others and contribute towards goodness.

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