Working out at the gym- Activity

During my journey, I discovered the connection between fitness and personal development. Going to the gym regularly has become an important part of my overall development. In addition to their physical benefits, gyms also improve discipline, endurance and mental health. A consistent commitment to good behavior demonstrates a commitment to scholarship and service. When I lift weights and overcome challenges, I am not just my body; I’m improving my attitude. The gym is a powerful place where I can develop not only strength but also strength; this is important for solving the problems of IB work and later life.

LO’s Covered:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

  • Through working out at the gym, individuals can identify physical strengths and areas for improvement, promoting self-awareness. I improved the overall structure of my body, the strength of my muscles had increased and my energy and dopamine levels had also increased by a lot.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process:

  • Gym workouts often involve setting and achieving fitness goals, presenting challenges that, when overcome, demonstrate skill development and perseverance. The main challenge that I faced was that I was not able to eat enough food to keep up with my workout but I learned how to add new meals in the day and increase the total food intake.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

  • Planning a gym routine with days and timing along with the exercises I will do, setting fitness goals which included of increases muscle mass and overall mass, and scheduling workout sessions where I decided when should I do which exercises and which exercises should be done together involves initiative and planning, addressing this learning outcome.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:

  • I went to the gym everyday following my schedule which required a huge amount of discipline that I could only achieve through the commitment I had towards the experience. I did not get tired of the and kept on with this for months to create a difference, hence, showing the perseverance of the CAS experience.

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