Mount. Abu live drawing

Drawing and writing things by hand on paper makes my memories feel special and unique. It’s like telling my own story in my way, showing how I see the world during my travels and in everyday life. When I use my hands to capture these moments, it’s more personal and warm compared to using a computer or phone. It’s not just about what I see, but how I feel about it. Whether it’s a big adventure or just a regular day, putting it on paper with my own hands makes it more special and meaningful to me.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

I had very little exposure to live drawing experiences, almost to the point of not having any. As an art student, this was a significant area for me to work on and develop. Creativity played a crucial role as a strong suit, enabling me to approach live drawing in a way that suited my needs. It became a vital tool for enhancing my skills and overcoming the challenges associated with the lack of prior experience in this particular aspect of ar

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

I didn’t have much experience with live drawing, almost none at all. As an art student, this was a big challenge for me. But I decided to face it head-on and use it as a chance to learn new things. Even though it was tough at first, I didn’t give up. I used my creativity to figure things out and practiced a lot. Over time, I got better at live drawing, and it showed me that I can take on challenges and develop new skills when I put my mind to it.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

During my 5-day trip for CAS, I faced challenges like bad weather and unexpected issues. But I didn’t give up. I worked hard to find solutions and adjust my plans for drawing so that we could still do our activities. Even when things got tough, I stuck with it and showed my commitment to making the trip a success.

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