There will be over ten committees in this experience, such as the Lok Sabha, WHO, and others. Each student will be assigned as a country’s delegate, and the chair will present arguments for the delegation to debate in order to reach a decision and prepare resolution papers for the argument in order to ensure the committee’s success.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled.

the learning outcome highlights the significance of goal-setting, skill development, self-awareness, and reflective practice within the context of the CAS experience of taking part in Model UN. Students can actively work on areas that require improvement while also identifying and utilising their strengths through the MUN experience, which helps them grow both personally and academically.

LO 2: ” demonstrate that challenges have been faced and new skills have been acquired in the process.”

It was quite difficult for me to discuss and comprehend the rules and the role when I was a first-time participant in the FSMUN with so many seasoned players. However, by overcoming those difficulties, I was able to gain new abilities in creative thinking and self-management.

LO 6: “Engagement with the issues of global significance”

There were times throughout the discussions when a delegate needed the backing of another delegate. As a result, we established a group to debate in which we were able to highlight the advantages of cooperating by bolstering each other’s arguments while talking about what was the claim which was related to COVID-19.

I can picture how nations make judgments about global issues, so I’m glad I got to see it. All in all, it was something new for me and a really great experience.

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