Goonj It (Donation-CAS Project)

We planned to take part in the Goonj it campaign by setting up donation boxes at the school and advertising them so that people would be informed. The various items would then be sorted and delivered to the main authorities of the organization for donation.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

During the donation drive, a major hurdle was clear communication with both educators and students. I had to convince teachers to support and fuse the event into their lesson plans, which demanded effective messages.
Speaking with the students was another tough task. To keep them interested and actively involved in the donation drive, I had to think about creative ways to communicate. Among these was an awareness run with the help of social media and lively school assembly sessions. In this way, the students got the full picture of the drive’s merit and influence.

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Kicking off the donation drive took calculated planning. First, I carefully studied successful donation approaches. Then, I arranged a team meeting to allocate tasks and roles. The whole plan also included holding conversations with teachers and students across all grades where the donation boxes were kept. This journey boosted my abilities to manage projects and showed me the value of careful planning.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

Throughout the entire contribution campaign, commitment was crucial. I had obstacles to overcome, but my commitment to the cause never wavered. First, we needed to gather a significant quantity of gifts, therefore several drives were held both inside and outside of the school. In addition to challenging us to choose the primary target group that would donate the most and arrange our donation boxes appropriately, we made multiple announcements throughout the school to raise awareness of our cause among the students and the communities where the donation boxes were kept. Another was getting in touch with the orphanage we had chosen and asking for permission to give and snap pictures as proof of the donation.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

A strong emphasis on sharing clothes, books, and stationery was woven into the fabric of shared responsibility and teamwork. Effective communication and cohesive dynamics were fostered through regular meetings, which encouraged collaborative efforts among a varied staff. Innovative initiatives and open channels of communication were employed to involve teachers and students as well as other stakeholders and boost the project’s impact. The team’s collaborative approach to problem-solving, which used a range of abilities, not only guaranteed the project’s durability but also reinforced the sense of shared accountability when difficulties emerged.

LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance.

Through recognition of the interdependence of our acts, the project contributed to the resolution of global problems such as inequality in education and poverty. Even though the donated goods satisfied the community’s immediate needs, they also marked a step toward a more just and sustainable society. The heightened consciousness regarding the project’s worldwide ramifications not only underscored the importance of individual efforts in a broader context, but also fostered a sense of obligation to foster constructive transformation beyond the local community.

The learner profile attributes that I developed as a result of this CAS Project is Communicator because I will let others know about the drive so they may provide something helpful to those who genuinely need it. I have utilized communication skills to encourage teachers and students to donate useful items for others that they might not need. I am organizing a drive at the school for this because it makes me happy to make other people happy and I believe that others who have not been given a similar quality of life as I have should also have the opportunity to experience it.


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