Plantation Drive (service)

In the city, a group with the name of Grow Native Green Forum (GNGF) plants seedlings. On September 16, 2023, I joined them and my friends to help them plant even more saplings as a way to support them and to protect the environment. We planted 350 saplings as a group on a plantation drive.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I’ve learned that my patience and attention to detail are my strongest traits via this CAS experience. But I can still do better when it comes to knowing the different kinds of plants and their unique needs. To make plantation more beneficial and peaceful, I would also like to increase the amount of time I spend there and the activities I engage in. I gained a lot of knowledge, particularly about plants and soil, which piqued my curiosity.

LO-3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

The GNGF plantation drive needed to be carefully planned and started. We first collaborated with GNGF to understand their goals and the practicalities of the project. We had to coordinate with friends and volunteers, get the required materials, and choose the planting locations for the trees in order to accomplish this. It served as a helpful lesson in project management, problem-solving techniques, and the importance of clear communication in ensuring the success of neighborhood-based environmental initiatives.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

As I previously indicated, I had no idea how a plantation operated, so it was challenging for me to just go ahead and plant. There were therefore many challenges along the road, but with the support of my peers and guardian, I was able to get past them. After two failed plantations, I eventually began to see the rough route for learning how to plant, so I persisted in trying until I finally understood how to do it.

LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance

I believe that my actions as a responsible global citizen may contribute to addressing some of the most urgent issues facing the globe, such food security and climate change. By cultivating native flora and reducing my use of hazardous chemicals, planting trees will contribute to the local biodiversity. With my garden, I can work toward a more equitable food system and support the larger campaign for sustainable agriculture. In general, I see planting as a worthwhile and useful way to engage with global issues and my responsibility to continue living on this earth.

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