Web development for The Corridors (student-led newspaper) (Creativity)

The Corridors is my school’s only student-led newspaper, and I was chosen for the opportunity to be the head web developer for the newspaper. The newspaper was originally started by the class of 2022, and it was continued by this year’s graduating batch. My initial task was to update the UI and functioning of the website. I set a personal goal to streamline and minimize the work of the web developers when uploading a new edition. So, I decided to automate the entire edition uploading process

Learning objective 1:

I have a good understanding and experience of programming languages like HTML, CSS, JS, and Python but with every new project, new learning opportunities arise. I could not let this opportunity go and I had to deliver a quality website as well as increase the quality of the website, thus before beginning my work I conducted research on the many different methods by which I could make the edition upload process more efficient, in doing so I further developed my coding skills as well as my programming logic. The process of updating this website allowed me to grow as a learner and as a web developer.

Learning objective 2 & 4:

This kind of project was a new challenge which I have undertaken, especially the automation system has nothing like the feature I had to code before, so cracking its logic was like overcoming a huge obstacle. This also required commitment to the project, even though my midterms were approaching I regularly delegated time to this project.

Learning objective 5:

This project was collaborative and thus required me to interact with the editors, I was working with 2 more web developers and also had to understand their requirements from the website and provide the desired results. The process of making this website was long and challenging, we had multiple online meetings to discuss the structure and aesthetic of the website. I also had to communicate with the editors to consult them on the different formats of article which would be required in the website display

In summary, this project allowed me to grow, develop new skills and be associated with an initiative which would help a contribution to the school community

The video contains evidence of all the major changes I have made to the website and how they work.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQpEAI0Bq-0[/embedyt]

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