Beach Cleaning

I took part in a beach cleanup initiative that ran from August 27 to September 25, 2022. Our main objective was to clean up the trash that had been dumped along the Dumas beach. Garbage such as glass bottles, fruit and vegetable peels, food wrappers, etc. were among the waste. But the polyethene bag was the most noticeable and perilous. It is discovered to enter the water body and bother the life under the water.

I hope to get knowledge about many environmental problems and their solutions through this CAS experience. I discovered from my CAS experience that there are a number of significant problems that are produced in locations like the beach, riverbank, etc. Garbage disposal is one of them that we can handle on our own.

Since each of us is accountable for our actions, we must refrain from littering and degrading the splendour of mother nature.

We will educate the visitors and encourage them to protect our environment rather than harm it.

LO4 : Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experience

I demonstrated passion and tenacity in this CAS experience by participating in beach cleaning. Early in the morning, we went to Dumas Beach to clean it up by collecting trash, garbage, bottles, polyethene bags, veggies, etc.

In order to keep the land and water clean and preserve hygiene, we also raise awareness of cleanliness surrounding the beach and work to reduce and stop pollution in the area.

LO5 : Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

It would be easier for us to collect more trash in less time if we worked in pairs or groups. Additionally, by witnessing more individuals pick up rubbish, it will inspire others to join and support the beach’s upkeep. Working together would be effective, result in greater achievement, improve communication, etc.

LO6 : Engagement with issues of global significance

Land pollution, climate change, and human alteration are the concerns covered here. A variety of species, some of which are quite uncommon, call the coastal habitat and the life below the surface of the ocean home. Because they are essential to maintaining the cleanliness of the large water bodies, these areas’ contamination can harm the sustainability cycle. If beaches aren’t kept clean, they will be ruined.

LO7 : Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

I helped to clean the Dumas Beach by taking part in the beach cleanup project and keeping the social purpose in mind. Although there was no financial gain or other personal reward, as a responsible adolescent, I believed that taking this action was both essential and morally and ethically correct. because it is advantageous to the community and society. The main benefit is that it encourages hygiene.



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