Bal Mela

Our event was simply about offering one of our days to underprivileged children and making that day joyful and productive because they have few options for entertainment. For the learners from a government school who came to our school for a few hours, there were roughly 50 activities such as thread art, paper bag crafting, and nail art. As a volunteer, my role was to assist the students in learning something new that they did not get to know every day.

LO1: Overall, this event was a great experience even though I am a very introverted person, I interacted very well with the children and all of the children were happy after visiting my booth.

LO2: I noticed that I was highly interactive with the children, which is why they kept coming back to my booth. Yet, it was sometimes challenging since the children did not understand the instructions in a particular language. Some children were easy to speak with, while others were difficult to manage. The students were so excited to do the activity that they missed attentively following the directions, resulting in the destruction of some artistic creations. Telling them to maintain decorum frequently, is difficult to do with small children. Knowing our weaknesses beforehand allows us to focus on making them our strengths. This is what I exhibited.

LO4: Before the children arrived, we had to organize the supplies, such as putting paint in separate containers, cutting threads, and folding sheets. I am a naturally organized person, therefore managing my job was not challenging for me. This will make my future career simpler since I now know how to interact with youngsters and offer them instructions in easy language. It is important to know how to organize activities because, without it, there would be chaos and the children participating in the event would have no instructions to follow. It also helps us in identifying future problems, giving us enough time to prepare our backup plan.

LO5: Pupils are led around several venues individually, and each school is allocated a Fountainhead volunteer/teacher to accompany them. Crafts with Yarn was given to me, along with one support staff member and three volunteers. We separated ourselves into groups when the children arrived so that we could simply handle things and pay equal attention to everyone. We showed them how to build lovely patterns with paint and thread. The children were fascinated by looking at the designs that were printed.

LO6: Children are frequently deprived of their fundamental right to a childhood. Poverty has contributed to this, and this experience has assisted us in providing the kids with one day when they may participate in all of these activities where we focused on quality education.  We also offered them food, addressing the global issue of malnutrition and zero hunger.

LO7: Helping disadvantaged children is moral because it is a fundamental human right to have access to needs such as food, housing, medical care, and education. Children raised in poverty usually face substantial problems that might jeopardise their future prospects, education, and physical and mental health. By assisting impoverished children, we not only fulfill our moral obligation to preserve everyone’s rights, but we also contribute to the growth of society.

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