
Basketball has always been a passion of mine and getting the chance to participate in it as part of my CAS experience was truly rewarding. As a member of the school basketball team, I had the opportunity to develop my skills both individually and as part of a team. Our team trained regularly and participated in various tournaments and matches throughout the year. This helped me to develop my teamwork and communication skills, as well as my physical fitness.

LO1: As a member of the school basketball team, I was able to identify my strengths and areas for growth. I realized that my strengths include my quick reflexes, agility, and ability to coordinate well with my teammates. However, I also recognized that there are areas where I need to improve, such as my stamina and shooting accuracy. By identifying these areas, I was able to work on improving my weaknesses and enhancing my strengths. I pushed myself to run longer distances, practice shooting drills, and improve my overall physical fitness. This experience has taught me the importance of self-awareness and continuous self-improvement, not just in basketball but in all aspects of my life.

LO2: Being part of the school basketball team was a challenging yet fulfilling experience. It required immense dedication and discipline to balance academic commitments and rigorous training sessions. However, through this experience, I developed new skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership, which were vital not only on the court but also in various aspects of my life. With each game, I learned to push beyond my limits, be resilient in the face of defeat and celebrate the victories as a team. I am grateful for this opportunity that allowed me to grow both as a player and an individual.

LO3: As a member of the school basketball team, I initiated and planned a CAS experience to improve our team’s skills and teamwork. I collaborated with the team captain and coach to develop a plan that included regular practices, training sessions, and friendly matches with other schools. We also organized team-building activities to enhance communication, trust, and cooperation among team members. To ensure the success of our CAS experience, we set specific goals and monitored our progress regularly. Through this experience, I learned the importance of effective planning, communication, and teamwork, and how it can lead to achieving common goals. It was a challenging but rewarding experience that helped me grow as a basketball player and as an individual.

LO4: Playing on the school basketball team has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of my high school years. There were days when I had to drag myself out of bed, exhausted from staying up late studying, only to go through a gruelling practice session. However, my commitment to the team and my passion for the sport kept me going. I pushed myself to give my best, whether it was during practices or in games. Over time, I saw the results of my perseverance and dedication as I improved my skills and became a valuable member of the team. Even on days when we didn’t win, I took it as a learning opportunity and strived to do better the next time. The experience has taught me the value of persistence and discipline, and I’m grateful for the lessons I’ve learned on the basketball court.

LO5: Working collaboratively with my school basketball team has taught me the value of teamwork and communication. Being a team sport, basketball requires every player to work together towards a common goal. Through regular practice and games, I have learned to trust and rely on my teammates, and in turn, they have learned to trust and rely on me. We constantly communicate on and off the court, ensuring that we are all on the same page and that our efforts are aligned. Working collaboratively has allowed us to not only improve our basketball skills but also develop strong relationships with each other. It has taught us the importance of supporting each other and working towards a shared objective, both on and off the court.

In conclusion, being a part of the school basketball team through the CAS program has been an extremely rewarding experience for me. From developing my basketball skills to learning the importance of teamwork and collaboration, this experience has helped me grow as an individual both on and off the court. I have also learned the value of commitment, discipline, and perseverance towards achieving a common goal. Through this experience, I have gained a deeper appreciation for sports and the impact it can have on one’s personal growth and development. Overall, I am grateful for this opportunity provided by the CAS program and look forward to continuing my involvement in sports and other community activities.


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