Cleaning the Beach

I went with a group to clean the beach. I and 7-8 more people, the Thallasophic group, cleaned a big area of Dumas beach together. We woke up early on Saturdays and Sundays for 3 weeks. The trash was collected in big bags and was then disposed of properly. By the time we were done, there was a change but not that much, as 8 people weren’t enough to clean the whole beach. We weren’t fast enough to keep on cleaning the beach while others kept throwing trash but still, I believe we made at least some difference and every little step counts.

LO 4- Perseverance was required as our goal was to clean a big area and to accomplish that we needed a lot of time. We worked on Saturdays and Sundays for 3 weeks to make some changes at the beach.

LO 5- I went in a group to clean the beach as more people would mean faster and better results. If there were fewer people then it would mean more days or weeks of going to the beach to clean the same area.

LO 6- This problem is all around the world. Beaches all around the world are dirty and very few people clean them. There are a lot of cases of fish and other marine life being stuck in the trash and dying.

LO 7– The trash was disposed of the way it is supposed to be disposed of, this was ethical. Collecting trash was good for the environment and also for my personal health as I would wake up early and collecting the trash would act as exercising.




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