Beach cleaning -CAS EXPERIENCE

On 17 September there  was  world costal cleanup day. The goal of the activity was to encourage people to clean beach and spread awareness about preserving and protecting the waterway and ocean. And on that day school provided a moment so that we could take part in the activity  so my friends and I went to dumas beach in Surat where we collected the trash which was thrown by careless visitors in several spots.


LO4 –Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I showed perseverance and commitment as I committed myself to one area and I cleaned it though it took 2 hours. Which show’s that I was committed towards cleaning the beach to make sure that I was able to retain it’s aesthetic  and ecological value.


LO5 –Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

As a single person can not clean the beach by himself we  formed  a group as it would help us collect more trash and we would be working more efficiently which would ultimate benefit our motive which was to clean the beach . As we formed a group our collaboration skill was most essential and we work able to clean the spot efficiently.

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Overlook of our community and sustainability towards environment. As humans we depend on nature but we do not take care of them as we carelessly litter around  and damage the environment and it’s aesthetic .Not only that cleanliness and sanitation is also a factor as we do not consider how harmful plastic is for the of land and water ecosystem.

LO7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

As I was the part of cleanup drive ,I participated in the activity and became part of the social cause by cleaning seashore and saving the ocean and marine life so that which will help the community and also marine life . Which I made a ethical choice by maintaining the cleanliness around beach.

Final Takeaway

To conclude , cleaning the beach was a responsibility as a fellow member of community which helped me know more about the cleanliness which is required   in our surrounding . The learner profile I showcased in the activity was caring and knowledge. I demonstrated caring towards the environment as I cleaned the beach and we spread awareness about it. I also demonstrated  knowledgeable as a attribute as I was being efficient while working and also we decided to form a group and we decided ourselves to a certain spot which we where able to clear .  Not only it benefited me it also benefited the environment as it improved the aesthetic of the beach also the beach was much more clean compared to prior as we created a safer environment for marine life.












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