Learning a New Language (Chinese)

Learning a New Language (Chinese) (C)

I’ve always been interested in learning about and comprehending other cultures and have sought out opportunities to do so. Exploring a new language and being ablate speak and interact with new people in a different language is totally a different thing that satisfies me. I then came to the realization that studying a language will improve my comprehension of a foreign culture. Then I made the decision to learn Chinese for my CAS experience because I was already quite familiar with the language and grew up in that culture. Since I was already familiar with the subject, learning Chinese would be easy for me to do, so I decided to keep studying it. I made the decision to study Chinese nonstop for three months. I chose Duolingo, a free website, after doing a lot of research, to help me learn Chinese. My ability to speak, listen and comprehend Chinese has improved thanks to the service. Duolingo is the best option for me to learn a new language by just spending 10-15 minutes a day because it teaches its users in a fun way from the fundamentals to advanced concepts, and it only takes anyone 15 minutes on average to spend learning new terms on a daily basis.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Because I spent a significant amount of my childhood learning Chinese and I wanted to continue learning it, I decided to learn it for my CAS experience. Since I was already somewhat familiar with the language, completing the lessons on Duolingo would be simpler for me. However, I had certain limitations with complicated sentence structures, making it difficult for me to understand the meaning. With regular practice and determination, I was able to overcome these challenges, and now I am fluent in the language.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the difficulties I encountered when I first started using Duolingo was time management. I was unable to do so since I was preoccupied with other schoolwork and term 1 tests, which prevented me from giving Duolingo the time and attention it required. It later affected me as a loss of daily practice and I wasn’t able to achieve my daily goals at first, but as I continued to practice consistently, I was able to do so. The streaks feature was the best part of Duolingo for keeping users motivated. It worked similarly to Snapchat with the exception that you had to finish one lesson per day to maintain a streak. However, as time went on, learning a new language became more.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The interesting questions on the app were so much fun and interactive that they kept the learners engaged, which was one of the reasons even though time management was one. As I became more accustomed to the application by consistently practicing the language and showing and seated some commitment to complete atlas 100-150XP each day, which would not only help me in speeding up on learning the language but I will be able to practice more and possibly learn the most in this three months.

Last but not least, the learning outcomes I have shown were L1, L2, and L4 as I identified my strength with the devotion and enthusiasm in learning the new language from my earlier studies of Chinese exhibited while my weakness/developing area was to sharpen my creative thinking and communication skills, etc. which I need to grow and by learning opportunities it helped me immensely as it demonstrated that learning a new language may aid in creative thinking and interactive abilities. Chinese lettering is exceedingly difficult, unlike the English alphabet, and Chinese pinyin is different and somewhat difficult to remember, so remembering the words and writing were difficult. Managing my time was another huge issue, but I figured it out by the conclusion of the experience.



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