
I traveled to Mount Abu (Hill station in India) on an educational trip. During this trip, we did many trekking, caving, and other camp activities. We went trekking in the forest—one of them in the early morning to see the beautiful sunrise from the peak. Of course, this took quite some physical effort, especially when going up. Furthermore, it was also quite slippery sometimes so it was important that we kept an eye on each other. Besides trekking, we also went caving which was very fun.

LO1 (Increased awareness of my own strengths and places for progress): When looking at my physical fitness throughout this activity, I became more aware of my own strengths and areas for growth. Because it was so hot throughout the day, the walk might become quite difficult. This helped me understand that I really need to work on my physical health. Furthermore, I noted that coming down the slopes was more challenging than going up, although this progressively improved throughout the journey.

LO2 (undertaking new challenges): Trekking was not quite a challenge for me, first of all, because I have great stamina. Furthermore, I am also quite careful so I do not get hurt. This was not my first time going trekking, but I got to learn a lot of things. The biggest challenge can be that it became really hot in the daytime and carrying bags made me more exhausted. Also, one of the challenges was that if one of us fell, there was a chance that others walking behind might stumble too.

LO4 (show perseverance and commitment): For this activity, I needed a lot of perseverance because it involved long treks and was very tiring. Moreover, it was also extremely warm and could be dusty as well. I did, however, see everything through, and I made it to my destination. Thanks to this perseverance, I got to see amazing views such as the sunrise, beautiful mountains from the golden horn chimney, the sunset from the peak of the mountain, etc.

LO5: Because this walk comprised a group of friends beginning on their trekking adventure together, it was critical for everyone to work together and develop a common understanding. Given our various degrees of energy and endurance, it was critical for us to work together while trekking, especially because we were in an isolated location with no outside connection. Our collaborative synchronization and agreement on daily development were invaluable, leading to fewer disputes and arguments. I would also credit our successful completion of the full walk to our combined efforts, which included tight collaboration with our guides.

LO6: We could see rubbish all over the mountains as we started rising, so we picked up any debris that came our way and gathered it in a bag, which we tossed away once we finished climbing. This is significant because we must not ruin our environment, and this rubbish had the greatest impact on the environment.

LO7: Trekking took place in utter isolation from human civilization, and the locals were especially conscious of their environmental impact. We carried a significant quantity of gear during our whole journey, some of which may have been discarded, resulting in trash in this pure natural setting. It’s worth noting that we were in an area largely unspoiled by modern life, making any effect damaging to the delicate environment in place. As a result, we meticulously gathered any trash discovered along our walk, devised rubbish bins for our refuse, and properly cleaned the campground once everything was packed away, all while attempting to reduce our ecological imprint to the maximum extent possible.

I demonstrated the learner profile of a risk-taker as trekking included some risks such as facing wild animals, falling from rocks, etc. Furthermore, it was challenging and a bit scary at some points. However, I did keep going because the risk was very much worth it because it gave me amazing views and other activities. It also gave me the opportunity to find my strengths and weaknesses, which definitely made everything worth it.

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