Mt. Abu Educational Trip

Mt. Abu Educational Trip (A)

On a trip to study, I went to Mount Abu (a hill station in India). We engaged in a lot of hiking, caving, and other camp activities throughout this vacation. On the second day, we had to wake up early to see the sunrise from the top of the mountain so it was an early morning trek it wasn’t that difficult but the way to the top was quite unsteady. The Golden Horn Chimney Trek was, in my opinion, the most challenging because it required a lot of continuous walking and had numerous obstacles, such as crossing across uneven and rocky terrain. However, when I reached the summit, I felt like the effort had been worthwhile. We also participated in a caving activity, which was kind of enjoyable because it was a completely new and unusual experience. So much physical effort was required, especially going up. It was important that we maintained an eye on one another because it could be slippery at times. Along with hiking, we went caving.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Looking at my physical health after this trek let me recognize my personal advantages and room for improvement. The weather in Mt. Abu kept changing its cold in the morning and quite hot in the afternoon so settling into the environment took a bit of time but it wasn’t that challenging. This trek made me realize how much I need to improve my physical fitness. I also noticed that getting up the slopes was harder than walking down, as getting up the hill was a quiet challenge for everyone as it requires a lot of energy though this got easier over the course of the trip.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

I have a ton of energy, so trekking wasn’t really a struggle for me. I also take great precautions to avoid getting harmed. Even though this wasn’t my first time hiking, I still learned a lot. The major problem was that it got very hot during the day, which made carrying luggage more exhausting. Another difficulty was that if one of us fell, there was a potential that the others behind us might also trip.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I needed a lot of patience for this sport because it required long journeys and was really taxing. In addition, it was sweltering hot and might be dusty. However, I managed to finish everything and arrived at my destination. By remaining persistent, I was able to see breathtaking sights like the sunrise, stunning mountains from the golden horn chimney, the sunset from the top of the mountain, etc.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

As we ascended, we could see trash scattered throughout the mountains, so we gathered any that came our way into a bag and threw it away after we had reached the top of the ascent. This is important because we must protect our environment, and this garbage has had the biggest negative influence. Therefore while trekking we also did look after the environment as well the most garbage and plastic were found on the golden horn chimney trek as it was a long trek.

Trekking was utilized as an example of the learner profile of a risk-taker since it involves some dangers, such as coming across wild animals, falling from cliffs, navigating through dark caves where there is no light, and being asked to jump off blindly, among other thrilling risks. It was also challenging and oftentimes a little terrifying. I persisted, however, because the reward—amazing views and other experiences—made the risk well worthwhile. The fact that I was able to recognize my strengths and weaknesses more than made up for anything else. The vacation was enjoyable because it allowed me to make many memories with my friends and batchmates.



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