Beach Cleaning

Dumas is one of the tourist attraction in Surat. Everyday there are hundreds of people who visit the beach. Though Dumas beach has such incredible tourist activity, it is sad that everyday cleanliness of the beach is hampered. Nowadays, Dumas beach has high waste and garbage litter which has impacted the health and hygiene of people living around. To make Surat a more sustainable and clean city, I decided to join the coastal clean up drive. In this drive, I gathered all the waste littered around in garbage bags and handed it to the organising team for proper waste disposal.

LO4:- Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

When I heard about the clean up drive, I immediately took part in it. During the clean up I tried to cover a huge part of the beach and even told people around to stop littering. I showed my commitment during the entire journey like walking long distance, picking up leftovers of food and packs.

LO5:- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Cleaning the entire dumas beach alone is a next to impossible task. Hence, I collaborated with a lot of my friends and government workers. This made iur taska lot easier, quick and efficient.

LO6:- Engagement with issues of global significance.

The CAS experience was about one of the biggest global issue- pollution. There are a lot of people who don’t understand the significance of the global issue and throw garbage everywhere. Hence, the engagement with this issue will help change their mindsets. The experience even include several SDG’s like sustainable cities and communities, climate action, life below water and land.

LO7:- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

By joining the drive, I was a part of a community who believed in doing good for society. My actions of cleaning the beach shows how it is not ethical to ruin the planet. I consider and implement different ethics and values to benefit other people as well as the society.

This CAS experience helped me think out of the box. It helped me think about our environment and the current problems faced by people. After the experience, I realised that pollution and throwing garbage is actually a huge problem. 

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