Beach cleaning on world coastal clean up day

As one of my CAS experience, I decided to clean Dumas beach on world costal clean up day as the Dumas beach is really dirty and there are many negative impacts of that on the environment and sea animals. Along with many other students I was given the opportunity to take part in this service and a few NGOs were also a part of this. The garbage also the affects the citizens living near the beach and the trash also kills sea animals.

The SDGs which were followed in cleaning the beach are SDG 11,13 and 14. SDG 11 is sustainable cities and communities and the particular SDG is followed as cleaning the beach makes the city sustainable. SDG 13 is climate action and the particular SDG is followed as garbage is a major contributor in climate change and cleaning the beach will reduce the impact of climate change. SDG 14 is life below water and cleaning the beach means that less sea animals will die due to garbage on beach.

In terms of CAS component, service and activity were followed. Service was followed because while cleaning the beach I reduced the impact the garbage would have on the environment. The garbage which would have impacted the environment and sea animals was thrown in the trash and that is how I did a service to the society. Activity was followed because I had to carry the sack with trash everywhere which was quite heavy and a lot of trash itself was heavy that is how activity as component was followed in beach cleaning.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Learning outcome 5 was accomplished because it was not possible to clean the beach by a single person hence I had to do it in a group. We also provided duties to each other so that the process of beach cleaning is more organised and efficient. Collaboration skills were developed as I collaborated in a group and communications skills were developed as I had to communicate with my group to make the process of beach cleaning easier.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Learning outcome 6 was accomplished as the garbage on beach creates pollution and pollution is a significant global issue hence by cleaning the beach I engaged with a significant global issue and dealt with the problem of garbage on beach.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Learning outcome 7 was accomplished because after cleaning the beach I realised how difficult it must be for people to clean garbage and I made a choice to throw garbage only in the dustbin.

Learner profile caring was demonstrated as I showed my care towards the environment while cleaning the beach. A clean beach also makes the experience of going to the beach better so while cleaning the beach I also took care of the people who visit the beach as it will make their experience better.

Cleaning the beach made me really happy as I did something good for the environment and cleaning the beach made me realise that I should never throw garbage on the road again which brought me a positive change in my behaviour.

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