One of my CAS experience was to take part in FSMUN as a delegate. I was part of international press and the main committee I was reporting was UNGA whose agenda was “The Veto Powers and the impact of their influence on global conflicts.”

In terms of CAS component, activity was followed because as a reporter my job was to  take photographs and videos of the debate. Conduct interviews of delegates. Ask the questions creatively otherwise delegates would not be interested in answering my questions. I also had to learn how to write an article as I had to write an article of all the important things happening in the end. Hence activity was the component used in FSMUN.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Learning outcome 1 was demonstrated because I identified my strength of clicking photographs and I took the initiative to click photographs of the debate. One of my weakness is speaking in front of a huge crowd however as a reporter it was my job to ask questions to the delegates hence I worked on my weakness and asked questions to the delegates.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Learning outcome 2 was demonstrated because I developed self management skills as I took notes while listening to the debate and I also had to submit my article before the deadline so I had to manage my time perfectly so that the article is submitted on time while working on other things. Communication skills were developed as I had to communicate with my team so that we could fulfil our duty as reporters. Communication skills also helped me to know if everyone is going smoothly or not. I demonstrated communication skills while communicating my questions to the delegates.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Fsmun required a lot of planning because as a IP member I had to research about UNGA and their agenda as it was the main committee I was reporting. I had to research about it in depth and also make some possible questions which required a lot of planning. I also researched about all the other committee as well because as a IP member we could attend all the committee which is why I had to research about other committee as well so that I am not clueless. All of this required a lot of planning as there was a lot of information available which required enough preparation.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Learning outcome 5 was demonstrated as I had to work with the other members of international press. I had to collaborate with them effectively so that everyone’s work is done without any delays. We would even help each other if anyone was facing problem. Different duties were also appointed to everyone based on which everyone was doing their work.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Learning outcome 6 was demonstrated as veto powers are an important part of the world and discussing their influence on global conflicts made me more knowledgeable as delegates of different countries had different opinions. The debate was interesting and it helped me gain different perspectives and I learned a lot from the debate.

The learner profiles I demonstrated were inquirer, thinker, communication, principled and open minded. Inquirer was demonstrated as I asked the delegates questions regarding their topic. Thinker as the questions I ask had to be creative otherwise delegates would not be interested in my questions. Communication as I will communicate my questions to the delegates and communicate with my team. Principled because as press we were given instructions to not twist the words of delegates and do not make any false claim and we had to be honest with what we write. Open minded because as press we had to leave our biases and report the committee without any favouritism.

FSMUN was a good way to gain knowledge about different topics and learn new things. It also helped me to develop skills and work on my weaknesses.

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