Waitress at a cafe

I’ve always been curious about learning what work goes into the backend of a restaurant and my curiosity has continued to grow. Finally, when I got an opportunity to explore I decided to work as a waitress at Big Scoop Cafe and learn new recipes and techniques for example, making bubble tea or designing a frappe as well as serving them to customers.

LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Through this opportunity, I developed my cooking skills and overcame my fears such as being around an open stove and working at a fast pace in order to serve the customers timely. I also developed my interpersonal skills which helped me to communicate with my customers namely, checking their requirements, getting feedback or receiving payments.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

A few challenges that I faced consisted of time management and responsibility for example, managing the multiple food cooking, greeting the customers, and designing the drinks. With the help of the manager I got the hang of working at a decent pace.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Though the cafe already had their own designs to convey on their food, I got an opportunity to bring out my art. This required me to propose my idea and get it accepted by the manager. Additionally, I was able to learn their accounting methods and deliver my ideas to the customers. Moreover, I developed active listening skills, attentiveness, positive attitude, and multi-tasking.

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