Volunteer in bal mela

Bal mela is an event organised every year where the main motive is to give underprivileged kids a fun time and teach them something new. I decided to become a volunteer in bal mela and I had to teach them how to play dodgeball.

SDG 4 and 10 were followed. SDG 4 is about quality education and it was used as I taught underprivileged kids new skills. SDG 5 is about reducing inequality and it was used as we reduced inequality by teaching them something new.

In terms of CAS component, service and activity were followed. Service was followed as I was teaching and playing dodgeball with underprivileged kids. I was not paid or offered anything for providing these facilities hence this counts as a service. Activity was demonstrated as teaching and playing dodgeball with them required physical exertion.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

I had to work in a collaboration with a lot of people as I was not the only volunteering in this activity. We had to work in a group and teach the underprivileged kids something new. Communication skills was developed as I had to communicate with other volunteer on how do we make the session more interactive and fun for the underprivileged kids.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance.

Underprivileged kids and the inequality they face is a global issue. By taking part in bal mela I intend to giving them access to things that they don’t have in their daily lives and also try to bring a smile on their face.

Learner Profile caring was demonstrated as I portrayed my care to the underprivileged kids by teaching and playing with them. Open minded was demonstrated as I put my self in their shoes while playing with them and after this service I became more aware of my privilege.

Taking part in bal mela as a volunteer made me realise how privileged I am and this service also made me happy as I could bring enjoyment in their house for a few hours and give them access to things that they don’t have in their daily lives.



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