Gym training

Gym is a good way to improve health and I have been wanting to do something for my health as I have been ignoring it since a long time. For a long time I have been reading about the benefits of gym and I thought that CAS is a good opportunity to start gym.

SDG good health and well-being was also demonstrated because by going to the gym I improved my health and well-being.

In terms of CAS component, activity was followed because going to gym required physical exertion.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I realised that strength is one of my weaknesses and I have to improve and develop my strength if I want efficient results by going to the gym. I realised that stamina is one of my strengths and I don’t have to work to hard on my stamina compared to strength.

LO2 - Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Challenges had been undertaken as I had to go from being underweight to an ideal weight. I had also set a challenge for myself that by the end of gym training I should be able to do bench press with 8 kgs. Communication skills were also developed as I had to communicate with my trainer about my daily progress, how my body is feeling etc. Self management skills as I had to balance my time between studies and gym.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Going to the gym required a lot of planning. I had to make sure that I train all the parts of my body while going to the gym because of which I had to plan a schedule with my trainer where all the parts of my body are given equal importance. I also had to plan a diet with my trainer as diet is necessary to get effective results. So I had my plan my diet with my trainer. Hence going to the gym required a lot of planning.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

To get efficient results by going to the gym, I had show commitment by going to the gym daily otherwise I would not get the expected results. I had to give my 100% in every exercise to get accurate results.

Learner profile communicator was demonstrated as I had to communicate with my trainer. Risk-taker was demonstrated as I had never been to gym before so it was a risk that I took. Balanced as I had to balance my time between studies and gym.

Going to the gym was a really good experience and I accomplished my goal my of being ideal weight. I also accomplished the challenge of doing bench press with 8kgs. I had a lot of fun and I wish to continue this activity of going to the gym.

Evidence - watch

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