Participating in IPMUN

IPMUN stand for international peace model united nations. MUN became a platform where I learned a lot about political and international relations in UN. Back in time, I didn’t have any interest in politics or the external issues going in the world. However, when I was introduced to MUN on the first day I enjoyed a lot and also gained a lot of interest. Initially, I hesitated a lot as it was my first experience and also public speaking is not my greatest strengths. However, afterwards I gained a lot of confidence.

LO1:- Identify own strength and develop areas for growth

MUN helped me identify a lot of strengths and weaknesses in myself. The procedure of MUN’s are very formal and consists of several rules. These rules are supposed to be followed throughout the proceeding as well as while researching. To be prepared for the MUN we need to be thorough with our research skills and it has been my strength since the beginning.

LO2:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 

On the other hand, public speaking has always been my weakness as I never had the confidence to speak in front of a lot of people. However, on the second day I gained a lot of confidence and was able to communicate properly. Some other challenges that I faced were identifying authentic and reliable sources on the internet, preparing for the MUN as I was new to it.

LO4:- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

Committing to a specific thing has never been my strong point. However, in this MUN I tried to give my level best and a lot of attention. After learning about the topic in detail my interest in the topic increased and I started liking it. The committee I selected was UNHRC with topic of Ukraine-Russia crisis. This crisis is the latest news all around world and also very interesting.

LO6:- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

UNHRC stands for UN human rights council that focuses on protection of human rights around the globe and discussing the current issue with the delegates of the country. This conference focused on “effect of russia-ukraine war on human rights”. We discussed the perspective of different country on the issue and how they individually make difference, how different countries supported each party and how an legal agreement can be filed.

To conclude, IPMUN became a huge platform to help me demonstrate my communication skills, research skills and self management skills. The MUN allowed me to understand how the formal process in UN actually works and how each delegate represent each country. Each delegate address the issue and dig deeper into the crisis



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