
I engaged myself in many Yogic exercises. They helped me a lot in terms of physical health. I also liked the fact that I was immersing myself in Yogic practices that came from ancient India. I wanted this method of connecting to my home country, its roots, and the rich culture it possesses, from which I also came. Yoga manifested as a beautiful opportunity for me to engage in simple (easy to do and efficient in terms of time) and impactful (significantly beneficial for health) daily practices. Yoga helped me find new strength and understand a place where I can grow.

I informed all the participants about the dates and times. Being part of this experience was challenging since I needed to be more organized. I developed my communication skills as well while planning for the event. It will be straightforward for me to plan events in the future as I gained invaluable experience from this service. I also realized that planning such events and learning about recent trends helps us interact with people.

The activity required me to learn many asanas in yoga. Learning these asanas was tricky for me as I could be more agile. However, these helped increase my flexibility and provided me with postural balance. Although it is difficult for me to commit to things, this experience helped me develop my perseverance in challenging physical tasks.

It is difficult for me to work collaboratively because I often observe a difference in opinion. Likewise, I needed help convincing people of the merits of this session. Because people today shun yoga in favor of Western exercises, I had to convince them of its value. Therefore, the experience allowed me to develop my teamwork skills.

When we discuss global issues, we always look toward Sustainable Development Goals. These very goals also contain Good Health and Well-being. I wished to use my country’s vibrant traditional culture and teachings to contribute to this goal’s success. After the experience, I realized why this goal’s involvement is crucial.

Undoubtedly, this engagement with Yogic experiences was challenging for me. I had previously yet to make as many attempts to know the benefits of daily exercise. It was also very challenging for me to be hence able to do these Yogic practices that my grandmother’s Yoga teacher had recommended and taught to me. I also developed essential skills of perseverance, commitment, hard work, and risk-taking through this CAS experience. In conclusion, this was undoubtedly fantastic.

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