Flag Collection & Distribution Drive

Indian Oil had kept this drive after the mission campaign “Har Ghar Tiranga” , they had kept this drive named as “Flag Collection Drive” in which you can give the Indian flag which is no longer to be used and we can go to our nearest Indian Oil Petrol Pump. And it was not only against its dignity, but it was also a legal offense. In this drive, we just went to our neighbours and collected the dirty or mutilated flags which were not been used for further purpose and we went to their Indian Oil Office in our city and gave them, the flags which we collected from our houses-to-houses. According to IndianOil, the tricolor flags that are in perfect condition will be preserved and gave that flags next year to the people who are going to their Petrol Pump and filling fuel form them will get the flag and whichever are torn will be disposed of with respect . And a flag collection and distribution drive is a great way to show that how you are patriot and how much are you supporting our country while also contributing to a good cause.

Learning Outcomes :-

LO:1 Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

I did a fantastic job by submitting those flags, and I can tell that if everyone will participate in this drive then, it will be more supporting and helpful for us and this also shows that how supportive are you to your country. I had kept a keen eye on this drive and can ensure that all collected flags are in good condition and sorted according to type and condition. If it kept us knowing its strengths and weakness can help us understand and appreciate its significance, as well as in identifying ways to properly display and care for it.  I had work with my friends which made our relationships build stronger and it helps a network of support for the drive and can work smoothly on this drive. It also analyze the impact of the drive on the community and the charity or organization I am supporting.

LO:2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Undertaking challenges and developing new skills is an important part of this service. And the main issue was that people buyed flags and after the campaign they all dumped the flags in the dust-bin at the very next day. The challenge that I had faced was the time management, organizational skills and many more challenges and efforts were also undertaken. And also myself developed skills in time management, organization, and strategic planning. Learning new skills may help you become more confident and self-reliant , which can help you to greater personal growth and fulfillment. While collecting flags , it requires careful handling and attention to detail to ensure that they are in good condition or not. Through these challenges, I developed skills in attention to detail, technical proficiency, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and etc.


LO:6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

As a part of CAS integration, we volunteered in this flag collection drive and brought the flags from our neighbours, which were not in used and were in good condition. The campaign “Har Ghar Tiranga” was celebrated on our 76th Independence day with full passion. This concern is about the disposal of these flags in a dignified manner after the celebrations. The global issues which were related to this service was nationalism, patriotism, and identity. The global significance of these issues is that they reflect broader debates in the modern world. It was crucial to address these issues thoughtfully and inclusively to promote a more equitable and peaceful world.


Evidences :-



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