Learning Python

Coding is an essential skill that will be very helpful as the world progresses toward using more technology. I also like coding a little as it involves problem-solving which I find fun. I chose to learn Python as I didn’t know it and was told by many people that it is a popular and useful coding language. Python can be used in developing software and websites, automating tasks, and much more. I chose to learn Python using an online course as it would be self-paced. This course took 9 days to complete and had multiple hours of work time. This counts as Creativity.

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth- I understood that I needed to grow in the computer science area which I could do by learning Python. I realized that I only knew slight basics of coding (all of which were taught in school) and I needed to learn much more in order to be prepared for the future.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process– Learning python was difficult as there was a lot of problem-solving and thinking required to understand it and create programs. Even the basics of coding are difficult as just one wrong character in the code would make the code non-functional. There were a lot of errors when I tried to code without help but as I kept on trying, the errors reduced.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences– This took perseverance as there were a lot of videos to watch and it took a long time to finish the course.


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