Fashion Design Internship

I engaged in a fashion design internship where I collaborated with people from different countries and completed several projects assigned to us by Shruti Singla – the designer. The projects included creating mood boards, color boards, and designs for the brands provided to us (Zara and H&M). I chose this internship because I am inclined toward this field and this experience helped me to narrow down my choices and test my skills. This internship lasted for 2 months.

LO1: “Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.”
I discovered my strengths which helped me to make them a stronger part of me and learned of my areas for growth which will help me to work on them and make them better.

LO2: “Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.”
By participating in this internship, I allowed myself to face challenges such as bringing something creative to the table every day and completing my tasks on time. I developed new skills such as time management and critical thinking which helped me make on-the-spot decisions.

LO5: “Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.”
I demonstrated several skills as I had different responsibilities to cater to. Working collaboratively had its own benefits as the work was divided as per each individual’s strength. The workload decreased as well as we got more number ideas and had a wider pool of designs to choose from.


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