Organising Commmitee member of FSMUN 9.0

FSMUN is an educational simulation in which students participating as delegates who are representing a country can understand about the United Nations, world issues and promoting peace and the work of the United Nations through cooperation and diplomacy. Our school organized this event on the 19th and 20th of November 2022 where students from different schools of surat and even out of surat could participate into any one of the 8 committees.

I was a part of the organizing committee for this event wherein all the 40 volunteers were further divided into several teams such as finance, event managements, socials and decor. I was a part of the event management team where in the team was responsible to take care that the event goes with no difficulties and all the needs are fulfilled for a successful event. This was the first time I was in an OC team for MUN which made me learn a lot of new skills to manage the event in a better and organized way.

Throughout the preparation of the event and on the days of the event the learning outings I achieved are:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
During the preparation time I was able to identify my strengths such as: I could complete the given task within the time provided which helped me enhance my time management skill. However, one of the major weaknesses which later turned into learning was my communication skills. Before the event I had to communicate with the other OC members and on the event day with the delegates and the EB board members as well.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
To make sure and complete all the tasks in the assigned time, I and all the other OC members had to come early to school. Moreover, 2-3 days prior to the event we were asked to miss our subject slots and complete all the major pending tasks so that no delay is seen. It was hard for us to manage and complete studies, assignments of the subjects on time where in parallel we had to complete the event task as well. WIth more effort and patience we all were able to manage and smoothly complete the task on time. With lack of time, commitment and persistent is the most important trait which had to taken care of and I was able to see these traits in me for this event. This helped me to be positive and be a responsible OC member.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
I, as an individual, find working in groups difficult as if a task assigned to one team member is not completed on time, the other task will also be delayed which in all will disturb the whole timeline created for the task to be completed. However, in this event we had a team head who ensured that all the tasks given were completed on time which made working in a team easy for me. It was very important for me to learn on how to work collaboratively as without social skills, we would have many communication problems leading to less quality work done as a team. IN a event management team, teamwork is the most important trait as even on the day of the event we as a team need to ensure that no delegate, EB board member or anyone else who is a part of this event should face any problem. However by the end of the event, I developed social skills meaning that now I could work with a team more easily and in a better way.

Lastly linking this CAS experience to the learner profiles; Balance was the most important LP which I developed during this event wherein I had to balance my studies and the event related task assigned to me. I had to take care that my studies were hampered due to this event and vice versa. Communicator was another LP which I developed wherein I learnt to communicate with everyone in the OC team as well as the ones participating in the event. In this event, this was another important LP as I as an OC member had to make sure that no participant faces any issue hence I had to learn to communicate and cater to their doubts and solve them respectively.

In all, FSMUN 9.0 was a great experience, full of memories and hard work which helped me enhance and develop many new skills and traits.


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