Organizing math trivia

An event called Math Trivia is held to assess students’ mathematical knowledge. Our school hosts an annual inter-house competition for students from grade 7 to 10. There are a total of two rounds. One is the selection phase, where the kids with the greatest scores in the math multiple-choice quiz delivered via Google Forms are chosen as the final participants. For each of our school’s four houses, four members are chosen. The second is the final round, where the schoolhouses compete against one another.

This year, the selection phase was run by the mathematics team, and the final round was student organized. Mathematics being an interesting subject for me, I took this as an opportunity and enrolled my name to be in the organizing committee.

Learning outcome 1 – Identify own strength and develop areas of growth: 

Making questions was not tough for our group of five because I am good at maths. Additionally, I am strong at research, which makes it simpler for us to find interesting yet hard questions overall for the participants.

Seeing the main content and working of this event, I don’t think I felt that I had any weakness. It felt good knowing that I did not have areas in this event where I had to put in extra efforts, which means this event was helping me to sharpen my already existing skills. Overall, it was a good experience as it has enhanced my leadership skills.

Knowing your strengths will help you accept yourself, stay motivated, and feel invigorated while working on the task at hand. While your weakness helps you mold into a better version of yourself. Every aspect of life can be improved, and each person must identify these areas. Additionally, it takes facing our faults to recognize our strengths.

Learning outcome 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 

Planning for the different rounds which we would include in the competition was easy because of Ankita ma’am. She gave us some ideas for the type of rounds we could include and also being a part of it as a participant last year, had made it all the clearer about the types of rounds we could include. Moreover, with the help of previous year’s presentation we got more ideas onto the same.

As planning was done easily, initiating wasn’t a difficult task as well. Undertaking this activity, made me realize that having been part of an event earlier is of great help when you are organizing the event, showing how sometimes experience can be useful. Experience helped us to take care that the problems we faced previously are solved for the current participants.

Talking about being organized, so as an individual I am a well-organized person, who likes things to be systematic, which we used while numbering the rounds decided for the presentation. Adding to this, we even had to be ready with the time to be given for each round and all the criteria had to decided before had so that no problems were faced in the event.

It is important to know how to plan and initiate activities because it serves as a way in which deadlines can be met. It helps to be productive rather than being a procrastinator.

Learning outcome 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. 

It is easy for me to work in groups as I feel that it completes the work in less time. Also working in groups helps to improve communication and social skills, which is a must skill needed for anyone who wants to become successful.

Khwaish, Muskan, Saanchi, Tanya and I had already divided the rounds, for which we will make the questions, so it was easy to complete the presentation. Also, we all as individuals are quite responsible, meaning that we know our responsibilities, therefore, reminders weren’t needed.

Also, we all already had a good understanding of each other which resulted in a strength of our group and made us complete the presentation before time with the needed quality.

We already had deadlines and exams lined up after the event, so we had to study and give time for that also; that is why team working was important so that the work should be completed in the minimum time.

Overall, this event helped me enhance my social, communication skills and sharpen my other existing skills. All the hard work paid off and so the event was a success!


Link to the presentation:–bYCRhDHEHcWvQkgKP7Yd398ok14fV83qzJQQ5wc/edit?usp=share_link




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