Community service Volunteer- Arts and Craft

I had the good fortune to have the opportunity to study every topic throughout my childhood, including dancing, arithmetic, and the arts. Everyone who has the chance to experience so much should be thankful for what they have because there are many youngsters today who are suffering from poverty, which leads to a lack of opportunity for education. Our school set up a service program where we, as senior students, got together with impoverished kids from all over the city (mostly from the regions that are close to our school) and taught them something in order to share all the knowledge we had acquired since childhood from various sources. The program itself included a wide variety of activities in several learning areas, including sports, art, and music. This initiative strives to produce compassionate young people (students) with an international perspective for a better tomorrow by nurturing us and making us socially responsible in every way feasible, in addition to meeting the requirements of a curriculum or a subject’s syllabus. I took this program as an opportunity and enrolled myself as a volunteer to teach arts and craft to the students. I was also the leader for the entire arts and craft volunteer team.

The learning outcomes that I came across were:

Learning Outcome 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth: 

Despite the fact that there were other activities, I decided to keep an eye on the arts and crafts session. I’ve been liking crafts ever since I first learnt about them. It has always fascinated me, and whenever I have leisure time, I continue to do crafts. I chose this activity because I would be able to assist my classmates more, and I would be able to make the kids smile, which makes me happy and pleased. However, carrying out this CAS activity first looked to be a challenging assignment for me because I am not excellent with children due to my short-tempered character, which I had to go over in order to make the kids feel at ease with us.

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is crucial because they can help you push yourself further. Weaknesses, on the other hand, are areas where we fall short and must be developed if we are to become better people with higher potential for achievement.

Learning Outcome 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

It wasn’t tough for me to plan or organize this exercise because I try to keep things as organized as possible. The activities that we needed to teach the kids were already handed to us, but my peers who were going to teach the kids weren’t told about them, so they had no idea what they needed to teach the kids. Also, several of my peers required someone to demonstrate how to make them since they weren’t craft players.

So that they would be ready, I decided to take the initiative and mail them the project to be taught in advance. I also requested them to view other crafts so that they could teach the ones they liked if time was left.

Due to the children’s and the craft team’s effective collaboration, starting this activity wasn’t a difficult challenge.

Yet, this activity has encouraged me to speak more with everyone, which has improved my social skills. Also, as a result of the communication, the activity was effectively planned, which may now be taken into account when making future plans.

Learning Outcome 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:

The task needed commitment to the goal of teaching the less fortunate kids something. Despite the fact that I enjoy crafts, I still find myself being lazy when I do them. The fact that this session was scheduled over the weekend was the primary motivator for my dedication because, in the first place, everyone needs time to unwind on the weekends, but we had classes to attend. In addition, because we were just beginning our diploma program, we understood the value of everything, so these free days were crucial for us, but we also needed to devote some of our time to the sessions, which had made me slack off and required my full attention, involvement, and commitment of time.

Nonetheless, despite my various personal issues, the primary motivation of making a positive contribution to society kept me focused throughout the lesson and compelled me to fulfil our goal of teaching the kids and making them happy.

Finally, the completion of our program made me happy and satisfied. I discovered that being the cause of someone else’s smile makes you happy and eventually makes you smile alongside them. Taking on your problems will help you learn and develop. And finally, volunteering and giving back to the community are crucial because “Every Human Deserves A Smile.”


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