learning coding(phyton)

coding is essential skill which helps with logical and algorithm thinking and problem solving skills . I always wanted to learn coding as it is progress of world by using technology as in today’s current world everything is online and all of the things is connected to coding.In coding there are variety of language , I learned python is used for developing website and software and for data analysis which are trending topic in current world.
LO 1 - Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

As a  learning Python developer, it’s important to identify my own strengths and areas for personal growth to continue improving my skills. One of my strengths is my ability to think logically and break down complex problems into manageable parts. I also have a strong attention to detail, which helps me catch errors and improve code efficiency.

However, one area I want to develop is my ability to work collaboratively on larger projects. I’ve been working on improving my communication skills, such as providing clear explanations of my code and actively seeking feedback from other python developer . Additionally, I’m working on learning more about version control systems like Git to better contribute to larger projects. By focusing on my strengths while actively developing areas for growth, I can become a more well-rounded Python developer.

L0 2 -Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

As I progressed in my journey with Python, I encountered several challenges that tested my problem-solving abilities and required me to devise new approaches for tackling intricate tasks. One of these challenges was developing a web scraper to retrieve data from a website, which involved navigating numerous hurdles such as evading bot detection and handling errors when parsing data. Nonetheless, I persevered through trial and error, eventually overcoming these obstacles and creating a functional scraper that fulfilled my needs. Consequently, I not only expanded my Python proficiency but also gained crucial experience in addressing issues and adapting to unfamiliar circumstances.

Lo 4 - Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

As a  learning python developer, I understand the importance of commitment and perseverance. In order to fully immerse oneself in the world of computer science, it’s essential to push through the difficult moments and keep striving towards a goal. Whether it’s learning a new programming concept, working on a group project, or participating in a coding competition, a dedicated and persistent attitude is key. The CAS program provides a unique opportunity to explore new interests and develop valuable skills outside of traditional academics, and by showing a strong commitment to these experiences, students can set themselves up for success in their future pursuits.

Overall –

Learner profile thinking is a key concept , and Python can be a useful tool for fostering these skills. By encouraging learners to be inquirers, thinkers, and communicators while using Python, they can develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication strategies that will serve them well in their academic and professional lives.

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